Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Novel Gift

Such a joy to give myself time to get lost in a good book.  Finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett last night.  Fiction based in Jackson Mississippi in the 1960's.

Continue to reflect on the seeds one of the 3 main female characters, chose to plant in a child she was charged with taking care of.  How can a young child with a raciest, self-absorbed Mother survive the neglect and verbal abuse of her home?  The three things the black maid, Aibileen, left young white Mae Mobley saying aloud are:
"I is kind."
"I is smart."
"I is important."

Do these translate to compassion, wisdom and purpose?
Can I be non-judgmental with myself and others?
Can I tap into my wisdom?
Can I live my purpose boldly?

Simplicity and strength in:
I am kind.
I am smart.
I am important.

Official book web site for The Help

Friday, January 10, 2014

Listening Deeply

Stayed in bed late today…. Missing the weekly gathering of women that has supported my life for a number of years.  Practiced listening to my mind, heart and belly about a couple of personal issues.

Used techniques shared by Alan Seal, a great coach from Boston, in a 90-minute web session on Thursday. I leaned that when our mind, heart & belly are out of alignment on issues we experience confusion, chaos and clutter.  And, problems can be opportunities to listen. 

So I listened … My mind was OK with listening to what my heart & belly might say.  My expanding heart suggested giving myself space and my belly struggled to find a voice.  Listening deeply I heard it ask for space to learn to trust myself.

Trusting that staying in bed was a good choice. 
Giving space for meeting sadness and uncertainty in my life. 

Grateful for this space of time.
Grateful for my warm bed. 
Grateful for the opportunities that are unfolding.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year

1/1/2014 - A New Year

I have been busy the last few days cleaning and de-cluttering...  dusting walls and vacuuming behind furniture... letting go of stuff I no longer love or use.  Each time I enter a space that has been deeply cleaned I smile.  The energy shift can be seen and felt.  

Letting go creates space…. space to be, space to open, space to receive. 

If you look to others for fulfillment,
you will never truly be fulfilled.
If your happiness depends on money,
you will never be happy with yourself.
Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.

- Lao Tzu