Monday, May 19, 2014

Can You See Me Now?

Fruits, vegetables, pure water, clean air, sleep, and hugs.... if we were playing Scattergories can you guess the topic?  ----  Things That Are Important For Health.

Yesterday while eating a delicious salad at Beyond Bread, I looked at the NY Times Review section.   Lunch out was the date part of a Sunday morning shared visiting plumbing and hardware stores, gathering parts to maintain our evaporative cooler one more season.  As Michael reviewed the news on his smart phone I read an interesting article about eye contact.  

I knew touch was important for infant bonding and development and that hugs can be a kind of vitamin for physical and emotional wellness.   The idea of eye contact being studied in connection to wellness is a new thought.  Makes total sense. Eyes are windows to the soul.  Being seen -- really seen -- feels so good.  I am becoming aware of when this powerful connection happens and when it doesn't.  How simple to look someone in the eye for just a moment and how powerful to have that connection returned.

The title for this blog - Can You See Me Now?  popped into my mind this morning.  As I am typing I realize that the intention I am inviting into my life is:   Can I See You Now?  Just a modern take on the ancient Sanskrit word Namaste --- The light in me sees the light in you.

Enlightenment takes many forms....

Monday, May 12, 2014

Paying Attention & Celebrating Support

I begin my daily (or frequent ) intention prayer with:
I am grateful for Spirits abundant support and guidance.

The first step of gratitude is paying attention  For me this means noticing the abundance, support and guidance that shows up in my life.

This last week has been filled with flowers.  More flowers than I have ever received!

1.  On Wednesday I purchased an inexpensive bouquet of flowers for myself.  Yellow daisy's. pink alstromeneria and mums with one large sunflower.  Flowers that tend to last a few days, even as our days are transitioning from spring to summer temperatures.

2.  Friday morning I connected with a dear friend, Helen.   To my great surprise she brought beautiful tangerine tulips.

3.  Friday evening my beloved came home with not one, but 3, bunches of flowers.  Something Michael had never done in our 38 years together.  All my vases in use, I played with placing the abundant choices of flowers and greens together.

4.  Sunday night my sons girlfriend, Valerie,  gifted me a mothers day bouquet.  Smiling I arranged these in a large Mason Jar.

On Saturday my son, Sean, took me to a Market On the Move event.  For a $10 donation we left with 2 boxes of melons, tomatoes, tomatillos, yellow peppers and squash.  The tomatillos were the catalyst for making my first batch of Salsa Verde.

I end my daily intention prayer with:
My heart is open to giving and receiving love and abundance.  

Taking time to pay attention to the abundance of flowers, food and beautiful people in my life.

Thank you Universe for the gift of time to reflect, celebrate and share your support.

May we all notice and celebrate the abundant gifts in our lives - with ease and grace.